Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby Jude - 6/21/09

Hi All - In case you haven't heard Baby Jude came into this world on Sunday June 21st... Father's Day at 4:23pm weighing in at a nice 8lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches long.

It was a relatively easy birth - I broke down and got an epidural after being in early labor for over 24 hrs and 12 hours of somewhat painful contractions... so I did get to experience some of it - and that was enough for me!!

We went to the hospital at 3:45am and I was 2cm dilated...then it was a waiting game.

We had a little scare with the epidural, after it was administered (at 10am), my BP dropped to 70 which in turn caused baby J to drop and he fell off the HR monitor for a brief second... SCARIEST thing I have ever had to deal with, but the nurse was great, one shot of ephedrine and I was back...

They broke my water at noon, YaYa arrived at 12:30 and by 3pm it was time to push. I spent an hour pushing when I couldn't feel anything so they turned off the epidural at 4pm and Baby J popped out 4:23pm... Adam was so worried he would be born at 4:20... we missed slightly!

Everyone is happy and healthy and loving life... more updates later, but this is all the energy I have...

Here is the website to view the beginning moments of Jude Kingston McFarlane

1 comment:

  1. How great! I'm glad everything went well, Chandra! Baby Jude is darling and Daddy sure seems proud! What an amazing Father's Day gift you gave Adam!!! Can't wait to see the little guy in person... and MORE pics!! Where are you having his Newborn Pics taken for his Announcements? Just curious!! Khloe will be here Tuesday (if not sooner). I'm getting so NERVOUS! I'll check out your website of Baby Jude! Congrats, again... we are thrilled for you guys!
