Thursday, June 4, 2009

Next Update - Family Visit

I had the pleasure of having my Mom and my Sister Anndrea and her little kidlets come visit me and they got to come to my baby shower... it was such a GREAT weekend!

The kids drove in on Thursday night which means Anndrea drove all night that night... and Adam was so kind as to baby-sit while Anndi took a nap and I finished up work. My Mom flew in at 7:30pm that night...

Saturday we all went to the shower (that is another blog) and then Sunday we had some fun and went to the Gentry Drive-Thur Safari.

Here is a link to all the pictures from their visit... mostly from the zoo and then some from the Little ones just having fun at the house. They both have such different personalities but they are both SOOOOOO cute!

Karsten had a good time hitting my belly and saying HI to Jude - oh and how can I forget that he just LOVED Daisy!! All weekend he had decided that he was going to take Daisy to his house. Adam told him that it would cost him all his toys... Karsten didn't like that deal. So by Sunday, he decided that we could keep Daisy, and he would just get one just like her for his house... Oh I love that boy!!

Gabi is such a little dare devil and STRONG personality - she has got quite a little temper and is not scared of ANYTHING!! She loves ice cubes and I have some pictures of her playing with her ice. My MIL (mother-in-law) calls her the "who girl", little Cindy-lou who from The Grinch.

I wish they could have stayed longer than the weekend, but even though they couldnt stay long - it was SO great to have them here.

Oh and my Mom and Sis gave us some good advise for breathing techniques for labor... boy I am glad that I have them to talk to about this stuff!!

My Mom and Dad are coming back on the 13th after a family wedding in St. Joseph, MO and then they will all be back when Baby Jude comes!!... I could get use to this!!! Maybe they should just move here (PLEASE?!?!)

Here are the pictures from there visit

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