Thursday, June 11, 2009

38 Week Dr Appt

It was a good appt, not any new news, but my Doc was sure in a good mood! (She just got back from vacation)

My BP is still normal and weight - I don't know if we want to talk about that this week... 5lbs this week, but I am blaming that on the fact that my appt was in the afternoon and I had JUST eaten lunch, oh and my ankles are slightly swollen - so I could be retaining water too.... It has nothing to do with the fact that I eat whatever I want, whenever I want - right?!?!

Lil J has a HR that is still in the 130's - perfect for him and I asked my doc what she thought about the size of this son of mine... her 1st reaction was "LONG" and then she felt my belly and said he felt about normal size... who knows, I am still hoping for a 7-pounder, but since I am so tall she said it could possibly be 8... we just have to wait and see!

Then came the "fun" part of the appt (gosh it is a bit painful to get checked for dilation) and she said that she would generously give me 1cm... I asked if that was different than the "finger-tip" that I got last week, she chuckled and said - it is barely more. She also said that she doesn't let her patients go longer than 41 weeks, so if he is not here by the 22nd, he will for sure be here within a week of that time.

Off to enjoy the sunshine!!
Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. That's good news, girl! But, keep in mind that just because you are not dilated more or effaced more... that doesn't mean he won't be here on time. I was dilated to a 1cm for 2 weeks before Peyton was born (not effaced at all, either!)and I even stayed that way while in INTENSE Labor (36 hrs total), after the bad contractions had been going on for hours and hours. I did not dilate more until about 20 hrs into my hard labor and that's when the effacement went from 0 to 99% in one day. All the while still very much in labor and ready to have him. They had to break my water AND empty my bladder in order for Peyton to come out. So, just because you don't see progress right now... it could all happen in just ONE day. So, he'll be on time. Don't worry. (I have to keep telling myself that, too - LOL). My suggestion to you... when you do go into real labor, make sure they empty your bladder first thing or you could be contracting for MANY hours longer than you should. Peyton was born not even 30 min after they emptied mine (he was under tremendous stress to come out and the only thing blocking him was that gigantic bladder of mine). I was mad... 36 hrs. of labor all because of an unemptied full bladder. Go figure!

    Also... you are SO right... It is horrid painful getting checked for dilation. I was in agony on Wed. during my appt. The pain was almost too much. Who knew! Ouch!

    I'm glad you're doing well... hang in there!!!
