Thursday, June 18, 2009

39 Week check-up and a GOLDEN K

WOW! It has been an eventful couple of days... but no baby yet!

Last night I found out that I was awarded a Golden K from my company - my entire team is in Chicago at regional/national meetings for the week and last night was the awards celebration. My boss called and told me to listen, but all I could hear was gibberish and then clapping. He asked if I heard all of it and I said no, what was that... he said "that was you winning a Golden K". It is a pretty big deal - they give out just a few each year and only one per team - I am SO happy!!! It felt great, but it would have been nice to be there to accept it! Oh well - Jude will be be just as exciting!!

I went to the doc this morning and found out that I am still 1cm - no further progress. She wanted to schedule my induction since she won't let me get to 41 weeks. So after much thought and some tears and some advice from Mom and Husband... I picked the 25th of June and I am just going to hope that I can get him to pop out before then!

I have a whole list of things to try to get him to move along :) I won't go into too many details - LOL!!

I will update pictures this week and my Mom is coming on Sunday!!! TIME FOR BABY!! Well, at most he will be here a week from today!!

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Awe... Chandra. Don't stress out about having to induce (if you have to go that route). Most women do induce with their first babies. It doesn't mean you're a failure! Who knows... little Jude could come this weekend without you dilating even another cm... your complete dilation process could happen when you're in the hospital waiting for him with intense contractions! I'll be praying for you... that you go into natural labor this weekend, girl! You're doing great!
