Thursday, June 4, 2009

1 of Many today... Week 37

I have a million things to blog about today so I want to split them up...

I have to talk about my Doc appts, My Baby Shower, and of course... my FAMILY came to visit!!

I will start with the last 2 doc appts.... my week 36 appt made me so frustrated... it had to be an afternoon appt - which I never do, I always do the morning slots... so they said it would be quick since it was after lunch - YEA RIGHT! After getting into the room quickly and hearing that I had gained 2 lbs and my BP was just fine, I sat on that table for 52 mins waiting for the doctor to come in. It was her last day before leaving before vacation and you could tell! She was very quick and short and all she did was check my belly measurements and Jude's heart rate - all of which were just fine... she didn't even check to see if I was dilated?!?! UGH!!

SO - now on to my week 37 check-up... Since my Doc was on vacation, I saw the other female in the practice and now I am wondering why I didn't pick her in the first place - she was great and made me feel very comfortable - for the next one, i think I am going to switch to her. I only gained 1 lb and my BP is still doing very well. Jude's HR was 136 so that is just perfect! And then she checked to see my progress - my belly is still measuring right on - I don't know if that means I have a normal size baby or since I am so tall - he could be HUGE!! LOL!!

The doc checked my cervix and she snickered when I asked her how it was going... she said I was "a finger-tip" dilated. When asked what she meant by that, she said, "don't plan on anything happening anytime soon...

So for now - we are still on track for June 22nd!! Just 2 1/2 weeks from now... Next week will be my last week at work as everyone is leaving for Region meeting in Chicago the week of the 15th - so there is no point for me to be in there all alone all day...

Here is my week 36 photo - a little late, but here ya go...Oh and I was just getting sick in these so that might be one reason I look so tired!

Now onto my other blog updates!
Much Love!

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