Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Baby Shower

I have to say that I have the best friends a girl could ask for!!

3 of my co-workers banded together and not only threw me a surprise shower a few weeks back, but then they put together an all day event that included the shower and then a cook-out for all the husbands and the kids... What a day it was!!!

I am attaching two links of pictures, the 1st is pictures from Sarah's camera and the 2nd is from Heather's camera (did I mention that Heather is just as prego as I am, her due date is 10 days after mine)

My hostesses were Lisa (it was at her house), Jennifer (she helped with food and games), and Sarah (who did all of the creative and I am sure many more things)

I had friends from all aspects of my life that came to visit, my friend Dee Dee (who I havent seen in at least 1 yr) was there - I worked with her at U of A and we went to grad school together, Rhonda (my old Walmart Buyer and volleyball pal) and Brenda from my Navarre days, then there was Heather (Adam and her husband go way back) and Lupe, one of Adam's old co-workers from J&J who we have become friends with and Adam is now poker BFF's with her husband Rob. And then there was my family... Judy and Jordan, Mom (Peggy) and Anndrea, and Karsten & Gabi... that was just for the shower!!

After the shower all the husband and kids showed up for the cook-out... Oh what a day and night - I couldnt have asked for a better day!!! Oh and for memories sake - let me also put that after the shower part was over, I had to go pick up my Husband and Father-in-law after Adam locked the keys in the car at Macadoodles (the liquor store in MO)

We got so many wonderful gifts - I really have to start on thank you letter this weekend!
Enjoy the pictures - Everyone had to get up and tell a story or fun tale about me before they handed me their gift - they were quite funny... but Lisa's takes the cake - she got up and talked about how there was some tension between the two of us when I first started at Kellogg's (my jaw dropped, I had no idea she didnt like me) then she went on to say the reason was is that I took over her spot of being the tallest in the office - that is when everyone broke out into histartics- Lisa is about 5 foot nothing (with heels on)... it was the best of MANY MANY laughs that day!!

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