Monday, May 25, 2009

36 Weeks - Memorial Day weekend

And what a rainy weekend it was!! But we sure did have some fun!

I had a Doc appt on Thursday and did my Strep B test and also found out that I am not dialated at all. I start going weekly from here on out!

Friday was a gorgeous day and I made sure to take advantage of the half day Friday! Adam and I went to go see the new terminator.... SAVE YOUR MONEY - it was was overrated!

Friday night we headed out to Sugar Creek and camped with Tim/Jordan & Family in their new camper on the Kelly's land. We got there just about sundown so we just had dinner by the campfire and sat around enjoying the company. I went to bed early with the other kids (can you blame me?!?!) But sleep did not come easy... The camper matress was nice, but still not as soft as my bed at home. Boy were my hips sore the next morning.

Saturday we got up, put on our suits and headed down to sit in the river, there was just enough sun to get a slight tan and then we came up to start lunch. By the time we got back up and got the food going, the sky blackened and the rain poured down. We spent a few hours watching movies in the camper and then decided it was time to head back to town (the Kelly's land is great b/c it is only about 20 minutes from town). We headed back to the house for a quick nap and then headed over to Study's (Steve & Judy's) for Saturday night poker. It was also a UFC fight and we decided that rather than having a party, we would just go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch (saved us about $50 on our cable bill)

Sunday was another rainy day. Adam had gone back to Study's after the fights and stayed playing poker til about 5am - so he slept in. I decided that to go get a pedicure and get the car washed (pointless since the rain came again) Then the ever-exciting chore of cleaning the house.

Adam and I felt like we were missing out on Memorial Day this year, so we decided to go to Outback and see a movie - at least it was something... Well while we were sitting at lunch we decided it would be even more fun to head up to MO and play 3 card poker at the casino.

It was a great time - albeit almost a very short trip... after about 30 minutes we were almost out of money. I took a bathroom break (a very lucky one) which shifted the whole night... We went back up and were actually up about $200 and then they switched dealers... We tried to play through it, but ended up being about $70 down (not too bad) Plus we played for about 4 hours - so it was well worth the fun.

Monday we slept in and just enjoyed a day from from work. Study cooked steaks and we pigged out!!

This week is a short week - which I am totally excited about because my girls are throwing me a shower this weekend and my Mom and sister Anndrea (and Big K and Gabs) are all coming to visit! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Here is my 35 week photo... still feeling great! BP is still low and swelling is minimal as long as I eat well. I am still getting a TON of comments about how great I look for being 9 mos prego. The people at the casino didnt even notice! It was rather comical!

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Well, you look great as always, Chandra! I cannot believe that it's only weeks away until little Jade is here. Wow! You really are a very cute preggers woman! I can't wait to see your cute belly in person at your shower this weekend... see you then!!! :o)
