Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brackston-Hicks & Star Trek

Well I don't know why I am surprised - since I am a Hicks-Chick it should be a prerequisite for me to get Brackston-Hicks contractions... Well I had some yesterday and it is the weirdest feeling. They did not last for longer than 20-30 sec and happened throughout the afternoon and evening. They sure did make Jude a jumpy boy!! Nothing today...

I have to recommend to EVERYONE that you go see Star Trek when it comes out. My office got tickets to see a special premiere of Star Trek on Tuesday night. Now there was no red carpet or paparazzi, but the only people at the theater that night were there to see Star Trek. It was AWESOME!! I was so impressed with what they did with the film.

I am not at all a "Treky" or even a huge Star Trek fan - although I can remember watching many shows that my parents had on - mostly what I remember is the "Next Generation". You don't have to be a fan in order to like the movie, but it does help to get all the subtle references that they make to the original. Either way - it was action packed and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time - I LOVED IT!! Go see it next week when it comes out.

Back to work...Much love to all!


  1. Wow... you are already experiencing Braxton-Hicks. That's crazy, girl! It seems a little soon. Did you call the doctor? I never did have false labor contractions with Peyton, so I don't really know how that feels. Now, I've had the REAL contractions and they are NOT FUN! You are only 7 weeks away... right?! I cannot believe it is right around the corner. Yippee for you guys!

  2. No, I didn't call the Dr. They say that they can start as early as 20 wks but you can't feel them. They weren't painful - just weird.

    Yep - 7 weeks! Not too much longer!

  3. Yeah...I know what you mean about the not really painful just weird part. I didn't have any until about 2 weeks ago (36.5 weeks) and it was just really odd. Since they started though I've had several long spells of them seeming to start a pattern. Go figure.

    FWIW - it's a little frightening how similar our nurseries are considering we haven't talked. I can't wait to see your crib...

    Good luck in the remaining weeks. I can't wait to see Jude!
