Monday, April 13, 2009

30 Weeks - only 70 days left - OMG!!

WOW - this pregnancy has really flown by!! I am not ready for lil J to be here yet - I like him in my belly!!!

This past weekend was Easter and it was a very enjoyable one this year (well Easter itself was turenchal downpour - but the rest was nice).
I guess my Easter started on Thurday evening... Adam and I did our gift giving early.
Here is a pic of the basket and clothes that he got me... He even got me my diamond for the year. It is a beautiful silver necklace with a mom and a baby in the shape of a heart and a diamond in the middle of it... he is so thoughtful...

My office was closed on Friday, so I ran errands all day - things like - getting a new licence with my married name on it, and returning all the clothes I have bought online that didnt fit. I met Adam and Sarah for lunch at Olive Garden - that place is SO good! After lunch Adam and I went to see a few day cares and we put a deposit down to hold a spot for Jude at the Kids Studio. It does not have state of the art security, but they have room and it is RIGHT next to both our offices.
Saturday was a GREAT day! We did a little shopping and then headed down to Fayetteville to see Adam's tax lady - she was a very sweet woman and I'm not just saying that because she helped us get a heck of a big return check coming, but that didn't hurt the mood of the day! After our good news on the taxes, we headed over to Baum Stadium and sat in the outfield and watched the HOGS play. It was GORGEOUS out! Sunny and about 75 degrees! After all that excitement we headed over to Steve and Judy's for our weekly poker game. Adam lost and I won, so we almost broke even for the night...
Sunday was glooming from the start and I was tired... We headed over in the POURING rain to Judy's for Easter breakfast with everyone. The Easter Bunny hid eggs inside the house this year since it was so wet and yucky outside. After stuffing ourselves we hung out for a short while, but I was so tired and needed to get some housework done. We lounged around the rest of the day and I even got a nice bath in.

Here are my 29 week photos - my belly is really starting to get big now! Besides the last couple days of feeling run down, I am still feeling great! I am still craving Orange Julius and now I have added baked potatoes to my list of wants...

Oh and here are a few pics of Daisy with the neighborhood cat, Snow. Adam lets him come in and play every now and then. Daisy loves him!! - but who doesn't Daisy love?!?!

Much love.


  1. Ha! "Daisy loves him..." so says the vicious looking bite! :) OK, so looks are deceiving. We still have to meet Ms. Daisy!

  2. Those are just love bites... haven't you heard of those?!!? LOL!
