Friday, May 8, 2009

The end of week 33

I really had high hopes of getting my blog updated on Monday this week - May this be a lesson to anyone that thinks telling their boss they need more projects so they don't get "bored" is a good idea!!

I know - you are a scoffing thinking- Yea, like I would really do that, let me tell you why I did... I am to the point in my current role that I am ready for another challenge (this role is suppose to last 18-24 months - I am at 18) and I just got a new boss in Feb. I was very honest with him that when I feel I have mastered a role, I tend to get bored and distracted. I am not good sitting all day with nothing to do (at least not when I am sitting in an office) - my previous manager had done a great job of making sure I had extra projects to help out on. So I told my new manager about this and he said he would make sure I had something to work on.... BOY do I ever!!

The crib came in this week - YEAH!!! I think we will try to put it together this weekend.

Adam has an interview today, at a company and a position that he really likes - so we will see how it goes. I actually really like him being free all day. I am amazed at how productive he has been. Yesterday he actually cleaned our oven - after he cleaned the smoker, gave the dogs a bath, cleaned the garage, and cleaned out the fridge. Man, I could get use to this!!

Anyways - back to pregnant life... I am at 33 weeks this week and I am still feeling great. I have a doc appt today so we will see what she says, but I do not expect any surprises.

I am still having plenty of Braxton-Hicks, not everyday, but every other day now. I will be telling the doc about this - but I don't think there is anything she could or should do.

I am attaching my 32 week photo - BOY am I getting a belly on me!! It is to the point now that I am really having to stretch to get my tennis shoes on and it is getting harder and harder to get up out of the tub after my relaxing baths my husband draws for me. :)

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chandra!

    I am so glad that you are feeling great... you look great, too! Your belly is getting bigger, but you're still pretty small for being 33 weeks along. It's cute!! I cannot tie my tennis shoes, so I wear slip on tennis shoes that don't have laces... thank God Kevin bought them for me when I was 3 mos preggers... I knew they'd come in handy. LOL Getting out of bed and sitting up is a real challenge for me right now. Yikes! You are doing awesome!!!! Not much longer, girl! I got baby Jade a gift today... can't wait to meet him!!! I'm exciting about seeing the completed nursery, too! Hang in there... :o)
