Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update 2 of 2 - Week 32... 55 days to go!

OK - so after this I should be caught up for the moment - now at least everyone will have some updates to read when they check my blog (sorry for those of you that have felt left out)

After the surprise party week, my sister Jess came to visit. She got here last Friday (April 24th) and left last night (April 27th)... it was SO much fun to have her here.

Friday afternoon I picked her up and we had to run back to the office for a few more work projects, she got to see my office and some of my co-workers. Then we went to eat lunch at Guido's Pizza (they have GREAT salad) and we took Adam and Steve back a pizza after their day of fishing. That evening we went with Steve and Judy to take our nephew Jack to T-ball practice - have you ever watched a group of 4 & 5 year olds try to stay focused out on a grass field?!? It was am amusing site to say the least. After practice we took Jess and the rest of the gang to our FAV Mexican restaurant, Oseguera's... and it was WONDERFUL as usual.

Saturday morning came early since we got up to do the 'Race for the Cure' and worked the Kashi booth after the race. We walked with Sarah and Jon and their two cute little one's, Amara and Dominic. After the race, Jess and I went shopping for all of the nursery decoration and started our hunt for blue fabric for curtains. We stopped at about 5 stores and got everything else BUT fabric... we finally had a woman suggest that we just use sheets, since we wanted it to match the room - GOODNESS - why didn't we think of that?!?! So a trip back over to Target and we had everything we needed. Luckily Jess did not want to sit back and watch TV all weekend (and if she did, she was a good sport about it!), because I put her to work!!

Saturday evening Jess and I went to dinner at Johnny Carino's and watched movies while Adam played poker and went to hang out with the boys. We needed some down time after our busy day

Sunday morning Adam got up and made us a delicious breakfast and we got to work finishing the nursery deco - or so we thought - we got through most of it, but had to break to go to a hospital tour. I really like the hospital and felt as comfortable as I could there. As long as I am in a private room and they have talented staff- I am good!

I guess Sunday must have been Adam's cooking day, because he cooked us dinner too! He made awesome steaks and veggies (Jess even ate her veggies - Good Girl Jess :))

Monday morning we all got up and headed over to the Dr. office for the 32 week ultra sound to make sure that my placenta had moved up enough to avoid a C-Section and to try the 4D ultrasound one last time... Good news, my placenta is plenty high enough... Not so good news, Jude is still hiding in the corner of my belly with his arms across his face... I have a few more pics, but still not as clear as we had hoped for... but I can't complain, we didn't get charged for any of the attempts (that just saved us $175 - WHEW!!) The weirdest part of this time was Jude actually had his eyes open a few times - it was slightly creepy to see him staring back at you...

Here are a few of the pics that we got from this visit:
3 weeks since last time - look at those cheeks!
Arms are still right infront of his face

And he is still hiding in the corner (he didn't get that from Mom or Dad)

I can't wait to see his little mouth in person

Here is one of the creepy one's- his eye is open and he is smiling (the Tech made the comment - why does he have his eye's open, it is dark in there!!)

Monday afternoon Jess and I stopped for our daily Smoothie (we had Orange Julius or Kennedy Coffee Smoothies every day - we had to get our fruit) Side note - we had real fruit everyday too - Adam got a juicer so our house is LOADED with every fruit you can think of - I LOVE IT!

After that we headed back to the house to finish the nursery deco - take a look at these pics. I think we did a TERRIFIC job! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way it turned out. I just kept going back to sit in the room and rock in the chair - which Jude already loves, he kicks and twists the whole time I rock.

I owe my sis a HUGE Thank you for all her help and hard work - it turned out better than I ever could have imagined. Now we just have to get the crib (hopefully this Friday!!) and it will be complete!

This is the view as you walk in the room

This is the corner where I plan to spend much time rocking my boy

I LOVE the way the curtains turned out - and the crib is going to go right in front of them

I left room on this wall for some wall art with his name on it - I might have to get Sarah's help to pull that off.

Next I have to update my weekly pic with the 31 week picture... my belly is really starting to stick out... I think I am as wide front to back as I am side to side now - and the reason I know this is because, this past week, when I went to turn sideways to let Adam pass by me, he had just as much room as before I turned... It is an odd feeling.

Still feeling GREAT - BP is still normal, weight is still being gained, and I am happy!! My husband is very happy too now that he no longer works for J&J - shock to some I know, but it feels great to have my old, happy-go-lucky husband back! He has been so helpful and productive in his first week at home. Luckily paychecks are still coming in until after Jude is born, so no need to stress about money! He is either planning to start his own business (a lifelong dream) or go back to work for another supplier - I just don't want him to make a hasty decision and get back into a bad situation like he had at J&J.

There - now I think you are all updated!
Much Love!


  1. How absolutely lovely and beautiful! I'm so happy for you! Love, Aunt Sissy

  2. Your nursery is just darling! Little Jade is going to LOVE it! It's very soft feeling. Have you guys gotten your crib, yet? Bet you can't wait! We're just waiting on our bedding... it's in process of shipping... can't wait! I was going to invite you to my shower, Chandra, but I realized that you are almost 2 weeks ahead of us and will be really uncomfortable. Mine isn't until June 6 for friends. That's a long ways away... I am already uncomfortable! :( So, when Baby Jade gets here we'll come visit in the hospital and bring his gift then! :o) Can't wait to see the lil guy!
