Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 22

Happy Monday to all... My husband is prolly still sleeping at this point (10:30am and he is off for Presidents Day), I was going to call in sick and hang with him, but I have a feeling I will need all of my sick days in the near future (if I can get all my work done, I may try to head out early :))

It was Valentines Day on Saturday and my Hubby was just getting home from Orlando - it was SOOOO good to have him home. Friday night we just spent time cuddling and watching a bit of TV before I passed out on his lap. Saturday/V-Day, Adam made everyone breakfast (my pretty plate of french toast and oatmeal is below) and the dogs got a BIG plate of wet/dry food (that is their special meal) the rest of the morning and into the afternoon we just enjoyed a lazy Saturday together and around 3pm we headed over to Steve and Judy's for a meal of Steaks, potatoes, rolls, salad, corn, and CAKE! The whole crew was there including: Tim, Jordan, and the kids & Stephan, Lori, and their kids - even the dogs were there!! Saturday night was poker night so Adam and I stayed until about midnight playing poker - we ended up breaking even which isn't too bad.

Oh- and I almost forgot the best part of Saturday... Our little peanut is now into full out kicks - it started Saturday morning while I was laying in bed. Later that morning he was kicking up and storm and Adam got to feel him for the 1st time - it was AWESOME!!!

We taught Daisy how to use the mini-stairs this weekend, so now she can get on and off the couch - she is TOO cute! Here are some updated pics of her - she has gotten so much bigger!

I am also attaching my 21 weeks photo, I don't notice a lot of change week to week, but when I go back and look at 14 weeks ago - I notice a HUGE difference. I am feeling great, no problems to speak of, only a few headaches now and then.

My cravings this week are mostly fruit - I could eat it 24/7...especially oranges!!! Last week it was cinnamon rolls - so I think this week is healthier.

I think that is about it for my weekend!
Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Awe, Chandra! Your belly is getting cuter and cuter! I can't wait to see it in another month! I hear you, though... I don't notice a big difference lately from week to week with mine either. Just wait... pretty soon you'll see a HUGE change from week to week! I'm so excited for you guys!!! Let's get together soon and compare bellies. LOL
