Tuesday, February 24, 2009

23 Weeks and WHERE IS SPRING?!!?

Ok - I think I am totally coming down with SAD - I need some SUNSHINE and WARM WEATHER...

I am 23 weeks prego this week and although my hips and thighs have been showing for a while - my belly is starting to look like a baby could live in there...

I went the Dr. last week for my monthly check-up and she said everything looks great except I have a "low lying placenta", basically the placenta is closer to the cervix than it should be, but it is not covering it. She said it is not a problem, but I have to have another ultrasound at week 32 to see if it has moved. If it starts to cover the cervix than I will have to have a C-Section. We just have to wait and see.

I am still feeling great, but I think it is time to hang up the knee-pads (I prolly have said this about a million times) but I think I really mean it this time. My body does not move as fast as it use to, and I can't jump like I use to... it is just frustrating more than anything. I have volleyball tonight and tomorrow - so I guess I will decide after that.
This weekend was pretty darn productive and relieved some stress on my part. Adam and I spent all day Sunday cleaning out the garage, the office, and the guest room - boy are we some pack rats!!

We have decided to turn the guest room into a nursery, which means that the office is now a office/guest room - it doesn't look too bad!!

Now we have an empty room for the baby, which as soon as the bonus checks and tax refund come in - will be FILLED with furniture.

I am still working to finish our registry (I have to read all the reviews and make sure I am picking the best stuff- sure!!) but so far we are registered at Babies R Us and Target. All of our bedding is at Target - the best way to describe it is blue animal cracker shapes - it is darling!!

Here is my picture for week 22 - I should really consider taking more pictures in the morning or other times when I have not be soaking in the tub

OH - that is my fav thing right now - I LOVE to take a bath with the Jacuzzi jets relaxing my upper back. It is funny - my lower back feels just fine (surprising) but my shoulders and upper back are SOOOO tight

No specific cravings - I will just eat anything in site!!
Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chandra! I love reading your blog updates... you always tell us exactly what is going on with you. It's great! We are going through the same thing right now... we are having to convert our guest room into the baby's nursery. It's a lot of work and a LOT OF MONEY! Yikes! I've actually seen your bedding set at Target... and it is darling! :) We're working on our registries,too. I'm surprised at how little there is out there. Weird. Target is a great one! Good luck and you look great!
