Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back from Orlando

So I forgot to bring in the camera today, but I wanted to take the time (while I am thinking about it) to update my blog (if I don't do it now, I will forget)... This pregnancy brain is driving me NUTS!! I am not usually a forgetful person, but now sometimes, I think I have trouble remembering my name!!

I am 21 weeks this week and we took the 20 week pictures down in Orlando so the background will be different, but my belly is still there! I am feeling GREAT and flying didn't bother me at all (Thank GOODNESS!) Adam has his national sale meeting in Orlando this week, so Lindsay and I flew down to meet our husbands the weekend before their meetings start. We had such a great time - I LOVE FLORIDA!!

The weather was nice, it warmed up each day we were there, it was 75 and sunny when I left yesterday (BOOOOO HOOOOO - that is me crying cause I had to leave). There is something so nice about sitting out on a lawn chair, letting the sun beat down on you, and watching the palm tree branches sway. It doesn't get any better!

Here is a break down on all the festivities that we took part of in Sunny Orlando - Saturday after my lounging in the sun time (and after driving around for 1 1/2 hours trying to decide) we headed into Universal Studios and had a GREAT time with all of the movie rides, luckily there are no roller-coasters in Universal so I got to do just about everything!
Sunday we slept in, I walked over to the grocery store for some fruit, and then met Adam back in the small gym, I walked on the treadmill with the doors open as the Florida breeze blew across my face (superb!!), then I headed back for my daily lounge out behind our condo to enjoy the sun. We all took our time getting ready and headed closer to downtown to take advantage of the outlets (I found 2 pairs of jeans that actually fit) and then we drove over to Amway arena to watch the Magic defeat the NJ Nets. Adam hadn't been to an NBA game before, so that was a treat! The other treat were the 4 redneck wanna be white-gangsters that came in DRUNK and obnoxious. They almost got kicked out, unfortunately on their last warning the a**hole who was making such a racket passed out (we wanted to see them get booted).
Monday we got up and packed and drove the boys over to the largest Marriott in the world (totally jealous) and Lindsay and I drove to Tampa to the airport to fly home. I hope the boys have an enjoyable week of meetings, I hear that their hotel is absolutely gorgeous!!

I will update with pictures of all the fun tomorrow!
Much Love!

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