Thursday, February 26, 2009

The end of an era

It has happened - my husband has made me give up volleyball... Honestly, I think if he wouldn't have forced me I would have played up until I popped! The problem however, is that his reasons and my reasons are totally different. He thinks I am going to get hit in the stomach with a ball - what he doesn't understand is that is the LEAST likely way that I will get hurt out there... Here are the problems I see with me still playing - I still dive for short balls- now I dive on my side and my stomach doesn't touch the floor, but my knees are busing much easier and it is prolly very jarring for the baby. Adam said that if I want to play against the "scrub" teams that would be okay - the problem he doesn't see there is - playing against those team I am twice as likely to get hurt as they have no control over the ball, their bodies, or anything else for that matter... I am much more likely to come down on one of their feet and break an ankle than I am to get hit in the tummy...Well, whatever the reason, he has a point and I really need to stop. SO - until further notice, I am going into pregnancy retirement

I am going to join him starting next week in Adventure Boot camp! I am going to go at my own pace, but it is an hour 3 times per week of working out. His company is doing it to raise money for the American Heart Association and tying in a Biggest Loser Contest. I am just going to participate b/c it is a 2 for 1 deal and this will keep me active while I am not playing volleyball.

Is it Friday yet?!?!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

23 Weeks and WHERE IS SPRING?!!?

Ok - I think I am totally coming down with SAD - I need some SUNSHINE and WARM WEATHER...

I am 23 weeks prego this week and although my hips and thighs have been showing for a while - my belly is starting to look like a baby could live in there...

I went the Dr. last week for my monthly check-up and she said everything looks great except I have a "low lying placenta", basically the placenta is closer to the cervix than it should be, but it is not covering it. She said it is not a problem, but I have to have another ultrasound at week 32 to see if it has moved. If it starts to cover the cervix than I will have to have a C-Section. We just have to wait and see.

I am still feeling great, but I think it is time to hang up the knee-pads (I prolly have said this about a million times) but I think I really mean it this time. My body does not move as fast as it use to, and I can't jump like I use to... it is just frustrating more than anything. I have volleyball tonight and tomorrow - so I guess I will decide after that.
This weekend was pretty darn productive and relieved some stress on my part. Adam and I spent all day Sunday cleaning out the garage, the office, and the guest room - boy are we some pack rats!!

We have decided to turn the guest room into a nursery, which means that the office is now a office/guest room - it doesn't look too bad!!

Now we have an empty room for the baby, which as soon as the bonus checks and tax refund come in - will be FILLED with furniture.

I am still working to finish our registry (I have to read all the reviews and make sure I am picking the best stuff- sure!!) but so far we are registered at Babies R Us and Target. All of our bedding is at Target - the best way to describe it is blue animal cracker shapes - it is darling!!

Here is my picture for week 22 - I should really consider taking more pictures in the morning or other times when I have not be soaking in the tub

OH - that is my fav thing right now - I LOVE to take a bath with the Jacuzzi jets relaxing my upper back. It is funny - my lower back feels just fine (surprising) but my shoulders and upper back are SOOOO tight

No specific cravings - I will just eat anything in site!!
Much love!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 22

Happy Monday to all... My husband is prolly still sleeping at this point (10:30am and he is off for Presidents Day), I was going to call in sick and hang with him, but I have a feeling I will need all of my sick days in the near future (if I can get all my work done, I may try to head out early :))

It was Valentines Day on Saturday and my Hubby was just getting home from Orlando - it was SOOOO good to have him home. Friday night we just spent time cuddling and watching a bit of TV before I passed out on his lap. Saturday/V-Day, Adam made everyone breakfast (my pretty plate of french toast and oatmeal is below) and the dogs got a BIG plate of wet/dry food (that is their special meal) the rest of the morning and into the afternoon we just enjoyed a lazy Saturday together and around 3pm we headed over to Steve and Judy's for a meal of Steaks, potatoes, rolls, salad, corn, and CAKE! The whole crew was there including: Tim, Jordan, and the kids & Stephan, Lori, and their kids - even the dogs were there!! Saturday night was poker night so Adam and I stayed until about midnight playing poker - we ended up breaking even which isn't too bad.

Oh- and I almost forgot the best part of Saturday... Our little peanut is now into full out kicks - it started Saturday morning while I was laying in bed. Later that morning he was kicking up and storm and Adam got to feel him for the 1st time - it was AWESOME!!!

We taught Daisy how to use the mini-stairs this weekend, so now she can get on and off the couch - she is TOO cute! Here are some updated pics of her - she has gotten so much bigger!

I am also attaching my 21 weeks photo, I don't notice a lot of change week to week, but when I go back and look at 14 weeks ago - I notice a HUGE difference. I am feeling great, no problems to speak of, only a few headaches now and then.

My cravings this week are mostly fruit - I could eat it 24/7...especially oranges!!! Last week it was cinnamon rolls - so I think this week is healthier.

I think that is about it for my weekend!
Much Love!

Friday, February 13, 2009

SO Glad!!

I'm so glad it is Friday and that my HUBBY IS HOME!! He got home from Orlando last night around 8pm and everyone was SO glad to see him - the dogs were taking all the attention and Adam couldn't believe how BIG Daisy got while he was gone (I will get some pics this weekend).

It is Valentines Day on Saturday and I already have Adam's gift together, but I don't think he saw it when he came in last night, if he doesn't notice it by Saturday, I will be sure to tell him :)

I don't think we have any big plans this weekend - but who knows what my husband has planned - if it is up to him we will be going, going, going the whole time!!

Off to pay all my bill (OH WHAT FUN!!)
Much Love

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Now the PICS from ORLANDO!

Here are the pics from Orlando to go along with yesterdays blog...

We started all the fun with lunch at Hard Rock...

Then a stop for a pic in front of the Universal Globe...this was the weekend gang!

Adam and I have a new tradition of taking a pic with 3D glasses on - aren't they cute!?!? LOL!

Oh - and I cannot forget to show a pic of Mel's Diner - but I couldn't find My Dad cooking anywhere in this place- Huhhh.... :)

This was outside the NASCAR cafe on the way out... Adam wanted me to lay across the hood - and thinking about a pregnant lady and her big belly across a car just cracks me up!!

We even got to take in a Magic game...

And a self-portrait from our seat... I don't know why we look so tired??

And the pic you have all been waiting for.... My 20 week fat belly!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back from Orlando

So I forgot to bring in the camera today, but I wanted to take the time (while I am thinking about it) to update my blog (if I don't do it now, I will forget)... This pregnancy brain is driving me NUTS!! I am not usually a forgetful person, but now sometimes, I think I have trouble remembering my name!!

I am 21 weeks this week and we took the 20 week pictures down in Orlando so the background will be different, but my belly is still there! I am feeling GREAT and flying didn't bother me at all (Thank GOODNESS!) Adam has his national sale meeting in Orlando this week, so Lindsay and I flew down to meet our husbands the weekend before their meetings start. We had such a great time - I LOVE FLORIDA!!

The weather was nice, it warmed up each day we were there, it was 75 and sunny when I left yesterday (BOOOOO HOOOOO - that is me crying cause I had to leave). There is something so nice about sitting out on a lawn chair, letting the sun beat down on you, and watching the palm tree branches sway. It doesn't get any better!

Here is a break down on all the festivities that we took part of in Sunny Orlando - Saturday after my lounging in the sun time (and after driving around for 1 1/2 hours trying to decide) we headed into Universal Studios and had a GREAT time with all of the movie rides, luckily there are no roller-coasters in Universal so I got to do just about everything!
Sunday we slept in, I walked over to the grocery store for some fruit, and then met Adam back in the small gym, I walked on the treadmill with the doors open as the Florida breeze blew across my face (superb!!), then I headed back for my daily lounge out behind our condo to enjoy the sun. We all took our time getting ready and headed closer to downtown to take advantage of the outlets (I found 2 pairs of jeans that actually fit) and then we drove over to Amway arena to watch the Magic defeat the NJ Nets. Adam hadn't been to an NBA game before, so that was a treat! The other treat were the 4 redneck wanna be white-gangsters that came in DRUNK and obnoxious. They almost got kicked out, unfortunately on their last warning the a**hole who was making such a racket passed out (we wanted to see them get booted).
Monday we got up and packed and drove the boys over to the largest Marriott in the world (totally jealous) and Lindsay and I drove to Tampa to the airport to fly home. I hope the boys have an enjoyable week of meetings, I hear that their hotel is absolutely gorgeous!!

I will update with pictures of all the fun tomorrow!
Much Love!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

OMG - It's a BOY!!!

Since it has been about 24 hours since we found out the news, I think I am over the shock of the event...but it still amazes me that we are having a BOY!!! I honestly thought it was going to be a girl, but much to my surprise that I cannot predict the future... I was wrong...

Adam is in heaven (as he should be) and I am trying to figure out how to handle a rambunxious boy - UGH?!!? I already have one dare-devil in my house, can I really handle two guys like that?!?!?! Give me prozac now - LOL!! My Mom says it may "relax me" a little bit - HAA!

I am attaching his 2nd pictures - he actually looks like a human now... and a CUTE one at that, if I do say so myself... He already has the cutest little nose.

Everything else with him is normal and the tech said that everything looked very good. It definitley feels more real after seeing an actual human on the screen and being able to say... "I'm going to have a SON!"

I am feeling great, my only big cravings are sweets - I could eat donuts and cinnamon rolls for every meal, luckily Krispy Kreme was closed last night after volleyball :)

Speaking of volleyball, I think it is about time to hang up my jersey for a few months, I pulled my groin last night and can barely walk around the office today, trying to get up to go to the bathroom 4 times last night was VERY painful. Oh well - it will only be for a few months right?!?!? Maybe I will just wait and see how I feel next week...

My Mom was here for a great visit, although I would have loved for her to stay MUCH longer :), she got to be in with us for the ultrasound and then we did a girls afternoon and went shopping. I finally bought some maternity shirts and some pants that are two sizes too big (my belly is not big enough for maternity pants yet).

Adam and I are taking a trip to Orlando this weekend, he has a meeting there all next week, so we are going down early for one last trip before the boy comes. Hopefully it will be WARM and SUNNY - I am keeping my fingers crossed!

I'll have updates from the trip next week!
Much love!

Monday, February 2, 2009

20 Weeks and a visit from my MOM!

A good ol'Monday Morning when I would rather be hanging at my house then sitting at my desk at work. My Mom is in town for the BIG ultrasound tomorrow...

The weekend was eventful to say the least - Friday night we went to the movies with our neighbors to see Taken - wow, that was suspenseful...but not as good as Gran Turino.

Saturday we were both pretty lazy and I had another migraine - YEAH! I think all my headaches are related to how bad I eat the day before, if I don't have any fruits or vegetables, then it will be almost guaranteed that I will have a headache. Guess that means I have to eat good!

I was still a trooper on Saturday night for the UFC watch party - and yes I stayed up the entire time! That is 4 in a row now that I have stayed awake for the main event - GO ME!

Sunday was a very organized but busy morning - I cleaned the house, did the laundry, feed myself, showered, and went to Walmart, all before I had to pick up my Mom from the airport at noon - not too shabby!

Yesterday afternoon was much more relaxed than the morning, we just sat around chatting and eating and enjoying time together before the big game! The SUPERBOWL!

I was really rooting for the Cardinals, but alas, it may be another 50 years before they make it back, it was a great game to watch! I have to say I was a bit disappointed in the commercials this year, but some were still funny. Like the Doritos "crystal ball", and the NBC LMAO commercial - HAA!! But a BIG BOOOOOO to for their VERY distasteful commercials - and BOOO to Danika Patrick for playing any part in them!

Now for the exciting part of the blog - the 19 weeks picture - YEAH!! But I still don't look all that pregnant - maybe I will be one of those women who never looks that pregnant and I can go into the hospital and say - OH MY GOSH, I didn't even know?!!?

I will have more updates tomorrow- and SOME BIG NEWS!!