Tuesday, March 31, 2009

28 Weeks - The final stretch...Is it here already?!!?

Well - I am moving into the 3rd trimester this week... I am happy yet I am not ready for this to go any further or faster... This is the one and only time I will have my belly for the 1st time and the only time I get to enjoy it for the 1st time... I love my Lil' J...but right now I love him in my belly!!

He is about the size of a Chinese Cabbage this week - where do they come up with these references!?!? He is just over 2 1/4 lbs - he is getting bigger and bigger by the day.

Here is my 27 week pic - I am really starting to "pop out"!!

Everything is still going great, although I have noticed that if I sit in the wrong chair or stand for too long my back will start to hurt. Let's hope it is just a fluke this week and not a sign of pain to come. I am still craving Orange Julius - but other than that I am just hungry!!

This last weekend was BUSY and SNOWY - can you believe it?!? Snow at the end of March?!!? CRAZY!!
Here is a pic of Adam at this work tennis tourney on Friday afternoon... he had a great time - I am going to need lessons if I ever want to play with him... his team got 3rd place.

On Saturday we tried to stay inside as much as possible since it SNOWED all day long... here is the proof - this was at about 10:30am

Saturday night we hung out with Adam's co-workers at a house party and then headed to Oseugera's for Wes' birthday dinner. I was beat by the end of it...

Sunday we helped my co-worker Lauren do landscaping to the front of her house for curb appeal, she is getting ready to start her new position up in Battle Creek. I need to get a pic from her - I had a really great time playing in the dirt - but Adam said he was REALLY tired...maybe he did all the hard work!!

OH -- I forgot to mention - CONGRATS to my SISTER JESS!! She got engaged on Friday night - her boyfriend flew in to surprise her and asked for her hand in marriage - I had tear when I heard how it actually went down!! It was even better than all of the family had been planning (since we have known for about a month that it was going to happen)

This week should be quieter than the weekend... Next week is a BIG week - it is the 4d Ultra Sound!!!
Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. You look GREAT! I am loving your belly... it really is starting to really pop out! How exciting! Tell your sister congrats, Chandra! I can't wait to see pics from your 4D Ultrasound! How fun... mine is in another week and a half. Can't wait! Not too much longer and your little guy is here... yippee! How's the nursery coming along. We are just now ordering the furniture... I know... we have very little time left! Yikes!
