Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crazy Weekend...but I am home safe!!

What a weekend it was!!
I guess I can start before the weekend - on Thursday I had my Dr. Appt to do my glucose testing and my normal monthly visit. My BP was great, the scale is always scary, and I feel great!! The lab tech that took my blood told me that if I don't hear anything by Monday, then no news is good news (I'll get to the rest of this later)

Friday morning I left EARLY for my LONG trek to North Carolina - I had a 5 hour layover in Houston...YUCK!! But it was made totally bearable by my friend Maria coming to hang out with me at the airport - it was SO great to see her! I can't believe that she is only 3 1/2 weeks ahead of me and her belly is twice as big (NO FAIR!!) We sat at Starbucks and just caught up on life. It made the time FLY by! Thanks Maria!!

I made it to Asheville and my friend and former teammate, Sabrina, came to pick me up from the airport. We checked into the hotel, changed, and headed straight to the gym to play in the alumni game. And yes, I actually played, I was just much, much slower than I had been in the past. Oh well, that's what happens at almost 7 mos! That night we had an enjoyable dinner with old teammates and talked ALLLLLL night about babies and life after birth... We headed back to the hotel and the Family was just arriving from ATL.

Saturday was a normal Hi Neighbor Saturday...trip to the gym to watch pool play and SHOPPING!! It was great to hang with the Fam and cruise around Asheville. Saturday night we all went to dinner again and my coaches family was all there - her kids are SOOOO grown up.... can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that they were all babies!!

Sunday all the craziness started...My Mom had a BAD headache and didn't make it to breakfast - I knew she was feeling horrible if she was passing up time with me. We all got to the airport and as I was checking in the staff let me know that there was a medical delay and I was going to miss my connection home. And wouldn't you know, EVERY flight, from EVERY city, on EVERY airline was booked full trying to get into XNA - CRAZY! I ended up jumping in the car and headed to ATL with the Family to catch a flight on Monday. The best part about this was, I got to spend more time with them and also I got to see Jessica (who hadn't been able to take off work to come have fun).

Monday turned out to be as crazy as the rest of the weekend... Bre was my chauffeur and on the way to the airport, we got in a little fender bender in her boyfriends work car... UH OH!! Luckily the guy she rear-ended was very nice and there was no damage to his car so he felt no need to call the police. We got back on the road, no traffic, and then got to the airport. I had to go through the domestic check-in, since I was switching airlines... The line was LONG and I really didn't think I was going to make the flight. BUT - I did and security was less than 5 mins - it worked out perfect.

So I get home and decide that I am too worn out after all the fun and drama to go into the office so I lay down for a nap. As I am about to fall asleep - my phone goes off and I have a message from my Dr. Great!! Just what I need to finish off the drama - luckily she was calling to tell me that all my blood work was fine, but I am on the verge of being HYPOglycemic, so I just need to make sure that I don't let my blood sugars fall too low - this could also explain why if I don't have fruit and breakfast at a regular time when I wake up that I get migraines.

So that was my weekend... I am now hopefully going to have a mellow week 27 of my pregnancy, the baby is 2 lbs this week and is the size of a head of cauliflower. He has been kicking me like crazy (which I LOVE). I am attaching my 26 week picture - I took it in ATL since I didn't make it back to XNA on Sunday.
Week 26

I am also adding pics from the weekend of FUN in Asheville.
Much Love!

All the Gang at El Chaps!

Bre waiting for breakfast at IHOP - think she is crazy hungry?!?

Mom and Dad enjoying themselves at Breakfast

Sabrina and Cha at Cracker Barrel on Sunday Morning

Bre and Cha at Cracker Barrel

1 comment:

  1. You look great, Chandra! I swear your belly has almost doubled in the past few weeks... exciting. I wish mine were smaller like yours! You're lucky! But, no... I just waddle around everywhere... Eew! :o) Great story and glad you made it back okay. I go for my Glucose Testing in a week and a half... I hate that test! Great to hear from you! Tell Adam we said Hi!
