Monday, March 16, 2009

Back from the "Mile High"

WOW - Copper Mtn has a LOT of altitude... You don't realize how high it is until you try to walk from your hotel room to the meeting rooms and you are out of breath after the 3rd step. Now, personally I would much rather travel to the beach where there is sun, sand, and most of all WARMTH! It was fun to be around the mountains again. They sure are gorgeous! Also, I really like all the people I work with and it was a ton of fun to be around them for 3 days.

Adam was feeling better each day I talked to him and he is now almost 100% - still a bit of coughing, but he has most of his energy back.

This weekend we bought our chair for the nursery - it will take 6 weeks to get here, so I will post pictures when it finally comes in... it is the most comfortable chair I have EVER sat in... Hopefully Jude and I will get plenty of naps in it :)

I am attaching my 25 week picture - I am in week 26 now and feeling great. My ankles did get swollen during the travel to Colorado, but I think that was mostly flying and the food we ate at the meetings (it was total bar food for 3 days!!)

The cravings I am having this week are mostly normal for me - SALAD!! Although Adam thinks I need to be getting more protein, so I am trying not to eat them every meal. And my other not-so-good- for- you craving is the sweet memory invoking Orange Julius - Oh they are SOOOOO good!
Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I can really tell a difference in your belly this week vs last week. Neato! It is growing quick now! How exciting! Keep us posted...
