Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Who knew Mother's Day could be so fun even before you have the baby!

I got so many notes and texts wishing me a Happy Mothers Day... it was AWESOME!

I don't have a pic today, but I will be able to upload one tomorrow. Not much has changed, I still have a big belly and I am still smiling!!

I did great last Friday at my Doc visit, I only gained 2lbs in 2 weeks!! My BP was still low (108/63) and the Doc said all the Braxton-Hicks are very normal.

This weekend was a ton of fun - but I think I will be paying for it when I go to the Doc next week. We had a going away party for Lauren and Jack (both co-workers of Adam and I) - Actually I went to 2 of Lauren's going away parties and PIGGED OUT at BOTH!

We spent quite a bit of time at the Dog park this weekend - it is the Dog's new favorite hang out. They all did very, very, well. Although - Daisy had a golden retriever come romping over to her (as you know how those GR do) and when the dog got about 5 feet from Daisy you would have thought that he had just eaten her leg off. She started yelping so loud and backing up sideways - she was SO scared - you couldn't help but laugh at the cute Lil thing.

Adam made me breakfast in bed on Mothers Day and we went to eat lunch (PIG OUT) and Judy's.

I hope my Mom had a good day - she was shopping when I talked to her so it couldn't have been bad!! Maybe she will get her present today too!!

More updates tomorrow with PICTURES!!
Much Love


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you!!! I'm glad it was a memorable one! Not long until your next Baby Shower! Yeah!

  2. Are you guys gonna be able to make it??
