Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's a SNOW - er I mean - ICE Day!!!

It is SO nice to work from home! Well if work means rolling over all my 401(k)'s and updating my blog and catching up on email...then I am working HARD!

We still have power at this point which is more than I can say for some areas of B'Ville - Steve and Judy and my boss do not have power... Sarah, up in Bella Vista still has her's too!

I am posting some pictures of all the ice - I have seen snow, but this is one of the craziest things I have seen - every blade of grass is covered with about 1/2 inch of ice - it looks like everything has a coating of glass on it.

Needless to say - I am STAYING PUT... my husband is working hard too - he is playing Call of Duty and notice his warm head gear - maybe we have been locked in the house for too long - LOL!! I love being able to stay home with him - why can't we do this every day!

I am also posting my 18 week photos - I am 19 weeks this week and the baby is 8 oz now - about the size of a 1/2 lb burger. I hear that I am very lucky to not be showing too much yet - I have a bump, but if I wear a baggy or loose fitting shirt - you cannot even tell that I am pregnant. I am going to enjoy it though, because if this is how pregnancy is - then I could do this all the time. I feel great! Only more emotional than usual... I cry at EVERYTHING! I am starting to feel like my Grama Hicks and my MOM - (love you both!) My blood pressure is great and I am only 4 lbs more than what I wanted to be at at this point - the Dr says it is fine - so I will not worry and maybe have a donut!

I am also going to post some new pics of Daisy - her ears are still not up, but she is the CUTEST thing ever - it is hilarious to watch her run at you with those ear flopping - LMAO!

Much love to all!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Isn't it FRIDAY yet?

While it was a short week since I was off on Monday for MLK Day, it still feels like this week is creepin' by...

Everything is going great in ARKANSAS and I hear that the weather is suppose to warm up for a few days!!

Still playing volleyball, Adam came out and played with my team last night - he held his own!! We start a co-ed league next week that we play together on - I am looking forward to that. Is it weird that I love doing so many things with my husband?? It is always more fun when we are doing things together! I really love that man!

I new pup Daisy is adjusting well and I think she is actually potty training herself. Milo has gone back to Steve and Judy's so now the girls can start their bonding - they are both getting a bath tonight! THEY NEED IT!

Adam is suppose to be playing in a BIG poker tournament this weekend - $130 buy-in to win a seat at a $1 million tourney in Feb - I am too chicken to spend that kind of money, plus I need to buy my ticket for HI Neighbor! I'll let you know if he plays and how he does

Much Love - Enjoy your weekend

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bell Pepper and Migraines

Good Morning! Now that I can function again today, I will update the blog (which I should be doing more than once a week)

The baby is 18 weeks this week and is about the size (length) of a Bell Pepper and BOY OH BOY is this baby giving me some headaches. This is the 1st one since Christmas, but I got it driving into work. I googled it and I found out that I am now getting the auras - which are the warning signs that you are about to get a migraine - my auras are blurred vision in one eye or a zig-zaggy bright spot at the top of my vision line. Oh well - if this is the worst part of pregnancy so far - I can handle it!

I have added the 17 week photo... my belly always seems bigger at night (funny how that works)

I have also joined facebook - for all of you that were harping me, I am now part of the "in crowd"

I'll try to write more later in the week - it should be a light week this week (fingers crossed)

Much Love to all!

Monday, January 12, 2009

17 Weeks today and NEW PUP!

I am adding my 16 weeks pics and also some pics of the NEW PUPPY - DAISY!!

Let's hope that this week is better than last - I was sick the last half of the week and got to that "breakdown" point... My clothes weren't fitting, I felt fat and ugly, my stomach seems to be growing the slowest out of all the body parts that are growing - UGH!

Today is better, I think I lost a few lbs from being sick so now the new pants I bought 2 sizes too big, feel too big! YEAH!

No cravings last week - only soup or bland food - but that is b/c of the cold. Adam now has it...sorry hun!

I can't believe how emotional I am, EVERYTHING makes me cry!! Oh well, there could be worse things!

On a good note - Bella now has a new playmate!! DAISY came home with us on Saturday from the Rash's in Bolivar, MO. She is 9 wks old and her ears are not standing yet. Bella doesn't know what to think of her and actually growled at her twice, maybe when she is big enough to play with they can be BFF's, but for now, Bella will just put up with her taking over the house.

Much love to all!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009



I know that everyone is super excited to have an update, since it has been a couple of weeks...

I was a total slacker and missed the Week 14 pic while I was lounging around ATL, but I have a week 15 pic that I am adding here but also to the PICTURES! blog (so you can see the weekly growth in a line) and I need to find week 13 - (hmmm where could it have gone?? - prolly the same place as my brain!)

Christmas was a TON of fun and so was NEW YEARS! Adam and I were in ATL for almost 2 weeks - it was great! The Kinzli's (minus the MAMA) were at YAYA'S house and BOY do they have a LOT of energy (I added a few pics of the darlings) - Good news - no one was deathly ill this year WOOO HOOOO!!

We took the kids to the GA Aquarium - the wall of fish was my favorite part, I could have sat there for hours and watched the 2 story tall and WIDE fish tank.

We watched a LOT of football and went with Bre and her Man Steve to watch the UFC fights at Bailey's (Mom, again, I am sorry that we didn't give you the official invite - I will remember next time)

I did spend some time with Jess - we went to my FAV place - A SALAD BAR!!! Thanks Jess!!
But she headed off to VA to be with her honey - I guess I won't hold it against her :)

New Years was a FUN FUN night - Adam and I took My Mom and Dad to Dave and Busters for an early dinner (5pm) and a few games and ended up staying until 11:15pm - we had to rush home to see the ball drop and drink champagne (sparkling juice for me!!)

Adam and I even made a trip out of GA to visit some buddies - Adam headed over to Charlotte to see his friend Jason and I had Adam drop me off in Greenville, SC to stay at JREY'S house and BU came down from Greensboro to hang too!! It is always great to see my girls!!

We even brought Bella (our Corgi) with us to visit her YAYA - LOL!! I think it was good for our "sissy" dog to be around some BIG dogs, she made good friends with Bailey and even started to play with Sky by the time the trip was ending. Rhonda (the 14yr old cat) LOVED to lick Bella's face, but she didn't seem to like that too much!

It was a GREAT trip in ATL and I am so thankful that I got to spend so MUCH time there! Now if only Anndi had been able to come home too - oh well! Less than 3 months and we will be celebrating her return!!

Much love to all!