Monday, May 25, 2009

36 Weeks - Memorial Day weekend

And what a rainy weekend it was!! But we sure did have some fun!

I had a Doc appt on Thursday and did my Strep B test and also found out that I am not dialated at all. I start going weekly from here on out!

Friday was a gorgeous day and I made sure to take advantage of the half day Friday! Adam and I went to go see the new terminator.... SAVE YOUR MONEY - it was was overrated!

Friday night we headed out to Sugar Creek and camped with Tim/Jordan & Family in their new camper on the Kelly's land. We got there just about sundown so we just had dinner by the campfire and sat around enjoying the company. I went to bed early with the other kids (can you blame me?!?!) But sleep did not come easy... The camper matress was nice, but still not as soft as my bed at home. Boy were my hips sore the next morning.

Saturday we got up, put on our suits and headed down to sit in the river, there was just enough sun to get a slight tan and then we came up to start lunch. By the time we got back up and got the food going, the sky blackened and the rain poured down. We spent a few hours watching movies in the camper and then decided it was time to head back to town (the Kelly's land is great b/c it is only about 20 minutes from town). We headed back to the house for a quick nap and then headed over to Study's (Steve & Judy's) for Saturday night poker. It was also a UFC fight and we decided that rather than having a party, we would just go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch (saved us about $50 on our cable bill)

Sunday was another rainy day. Adam had gone back to Study's after the fights and stayed playing poker til about 5am - so he slept in. I decided that to go get a pedicure and get the car washed (pointless since the rain came again) Then the ever-exciting chore of cleaning the house.

Adam and I felt like we were missing out on Memorial Day this year, so we decided to go to Outback and see a movie - at least it was something... Well while we were sitting at lunch we decided it would be even more fun to head up to MO and play 3 card poker at the casino.

It was a great time - albeit almost a very short trip... after about 30 minutes we were almost out of money. I took a bathroom break (a very lucky one) which shifted the whole night... We went back up and were actually up about $200 and then they switched dealers... We tried to play through it, but ended up being about $70 down (not too bad) Plus we played for about 4 hours - so it was well worth the fun.

Monday we slept in and just enjoyed a day from from work. Study cooked steaks and we pigged out!!

This week is a short week - which I am totally excited about because my girls are throwing me a shower this weekend and my Mom and sister Anndrea (and Big K and Gabs) are all coming to visit! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Here is my 35 week photo... still feeling great! BP is still low and swelling is minimal as long as I eat well. I am still getting a TON of comments about how great I look for being 9 mos prego. The people at the casino didnt even notice! It was rather comical!

Much Love!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 35... So far an enjoyable week

Well the week is about half way through, but so far it has been a fun one!

I'll go back to this previous weekend and try to remember what we did (my memory is getting worse by the day)

I do remember that my husband has been a poker playing fool and he has been winning quite a bit. Friday morning he and his Dad went over to Downstream Casino in MO. Well neither one of them made money in the tournament they played in, but Adam won a nice chunk of change playing 3 card poker - enough that the staff there was trying to figure out how he was cheating (crazy!!)

I worked all afternoon on Friday - which is rare since I try to take full advantage of our summer hour Fridays...but alas, work had to be done! So Friday night ended up being a very chill night with no exciting plans.

Saturday morning we got up and my Hubby made me cinnamon rolls while I did a work out in the living room (boy have I gotten weak!!) Then we headed over to Steve and Judy's... Judy and I went to Target to get baby stuff and Adam went to the gym. I think I did too much during my work out and with shopping, b/c I really thought for a few moments that I was going into labor... YIKES! I always get more Braxton-Hicks when I work out, but these were different. They were stronger and my back was aching like no other right before the B-H started. All I wanted to do was sit down... luckily it was towards the end of the shopping trip.

After shopping Adam and I had to head over for Child Birth classes, I figured if they didn't get better from sitting that I would talk to the nurse while we were there... perfect place to be if I was going into labor. Well nothing more happened - so I just over worked myself... I will be taking it a bit more easy from here on out.

Child Birth classes were enjoyable, the RN was a hoot - but she was NOT at all a fan of natural birth - we will have to look for other ways to study up on that one. She thinks people are crazy not to get drugs, I can't tell you how many times she said "drugs are good!!" - oh well. I am not ruling out drugs, but I want to see if I can handle it first.

After that we headed back to Steve and Judy's for poker night - I lost a bit, but luckily my Hub was still on his winning streak and he more than made up for what I lost.

This week has been much quieter in the office - as my entire team (except Jenn Keeton) is in Battle Creek. I have actually caught up on everything that I had been putting off - GO ME!

Last night was Paige's (our niece) graduation in Tulsa... at 8pm on a TUESDAY night - who does that?!!? Steve, Judy, Adam and I all headed over for the event - and it was so cool! I am so proud of her!!

Here is a pic of her with her "hero" She is going to OSU in the fall and already has a dorm room and a roommate picked out!

And I will end this as I normally do... with my last week pic... I am STILL getting a TON of comments about how small I look for being so close to my due date... People - I am 6'2", I have gained a ton of weight, but I guess I have plenty of room for it to spread out... I am not small, all you have to do is look at my 8 wk photo and you can see, I have gained all that I need and MORE!!

This is the week 34 photo

Much Love!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nursery is 99% complete! Week 34

As promised I have some photos to share today... My 33 wk photos and also the nursery in an ALMOST complete state.

I absolutely LOVE being pregnant, I cannot believe the end is so near...yet so far... I think I am finally getting over the anxiety that this little boy is going to have to come out whether I like it or not!! I am not to the point that I am just so ready for him to be here, but I think I am now okay with the fact that he could be here in a couple weeks.

Here is the shot of my BIG Ol'Belly - At least it is starting to look that way... At a party on Saturday night, I had a fleece jacket on to stay warm and people were SHOCKED to hear that I was 7 1/2 months pregnant. But you can totally tell in this picture!

Adam (my super husband) - he has rubbed my feet every night for the last 5 nights... got the crib put together yesterday... I love it!! However the room looks MUCH smaller now that the crib is in - I thought babies were little?!?!?

The crib turned out to be EXACTLY what I wanted with the higher back than front and the nice round sleigh-like features - PLUS I got it in Espresso - just like I wanted. My friend Sarah is going to be nice enough to let us have her mattress so as soon as we get that the room will be 100- well I mean 99.5% complete - we still need a BABY in there for it to be completely finished!
Here is the crib in the put together state and I will share more, when we have the mattress and all the bedding in. (It is all washed and ready to go!!)

AND - I had to add a few pics of our little girl Daisy - she is really starting to grow up - she can jump on the couch all by herself now, and as you can see in the pictures, she can even hide herself underneath cushions...LOL!!

Much Love!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Who knew Mother's Day could be so fun even before you have the baby!

I got so many notes and texts wishing me a Happy Mothers Day... it was AWESOME!

I don't have a pic today, but I will be able to upload one tomorrow. Not much has changed, I still have a big belly and I am still smiling!!

I did great last Friday at my Doc visit, I only gained 2lbs in 2 weeks!! My BP was still low (108/63) and the Doc said all the Braxton-Hicks are very normal.

This weekend was a ton of fun - but I think I will be paying for it when I go to the Doc next week. We had a going away party for Lauren and Jack (both co-workers of Adam and I) - Actually I went to 2 of Lauren's going away parties and PIGGED OUT at BOTH!

We spent quite a bit of time at the Dog park this weekend - it is the Dog's new favorite hang out. They all did very, very, well. Although - Daisy had a golden retriever come romping over to her (as you know how those GR do) and when the dog got about 5 feet from Daisy you would have thought that he had just eaten her leg off. She started yelping so loud and backing up sideways - she was SO scared - you couldn't help but laugh at the cute Lil thing.

Adam made me breakfast in bed on Mothers Day and we went to eat lunch (PIG OUT) and Judy's.

I hope my Mom had a good day - she was shopping when I talked to her so it couldn't have been bad!! Maybe she will get her present today too!!

More updates tomorrow with PICTURES!!
Much Love

Friday, May 8, 2009

The end of week 33

I really had high hopes of getting my blog updated on Monday this week - May this be a lesson to anyone that thinks telling their boss they need more projects so they don't get "bored" is a good idea!!

I know - you are a scoffing thinking- Yea, like I would really do that, let me tell you why I did... I am to the point in my current role that I am ready for another challenge (this role is suppose to last 18-24 months - I am at 18) and I just got a new boss in Feb. I was very honest with him that when I feel I have mastered a role, I tend to get bored and distracted. I am not good sitting all day with nothing to do (at least not when I am sitting in an office) - my previous manager had done a great job of making sure I had extra projects to help out on. So I told my new manager about this and he said he would make sure I had something to work on.... BOY do I ever!!

The crib came in this week - YEAH!!! I think we will try to put it together this weekend.

Adam has an interview today, at a company and a position that he really likes - so we will see how it goes. I actually really like him being free all day. I am amazed at how productive he has been. Yesterday he actually cleaned our oven - after he cleaned the smoker, gave the dogs a bath, cleaned the garage, and cleaned out the fridge. Man, I could get use to this!!

Anyways - back to pregnant life... I am at 33 weeks this week and I am still feeling great. I have a doc appt today so we will see what she says, but I do not expect any surprises.

I am still having plenty of Braxton-Hicks, not everyday, but every other day now. I will be telling the doc about this - but I don't think there is anything she could or should do.

I am attaching my 32 week photo - BOY am I getting a belly on me!! It is to the point now that I am really having to stretch to get my tennis shoes on and it is getting harder and harder to get up out of the tub after my relaxing baths my husband draws for me. :)

Much Love!