Friday, October 2, 2009

Double Foot Grab

So work has been insane and I have been horrible about updating, but I had to share what my husband sent me today while I was at work...

And the audience goes to a whisper as Jude attempts this dangerous, never been done before, move. And he has the left leg locked, now he's going for the right... A bit of a struggle... He's almost there... And he sticks it!!! Wow!!! A double foot grab!!! This is unheard of in baby olympics! And the judges score... Wow!!!!! A perfect 10!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day weekend - was labor-less

what an awesome weekend besides the fact that my Sis, Anndi, was sick... The Kinzli's came to visit and so did YaYa and Gramps.

I took all three kids to Target myself on Friday (I was brave) while the kids slept and Adam went to look at the house we put an offer on.

Saturday was a lazy day, but it was great to just hang with the family. We took all the kids Woo Pig shopping and boy did they have a ball. Little Gabi was into EVERYTHING!!! We were going to watch the Hogs play that night, but the PPV was not coming through (luckily we found out before we ordered it) So we just watched every other 30 football games that were on. Jude and the rest of the boys were in HEAVEN!

Sunday was more of the same, but Anndi was sick so we made breakfast and she went back to bed. That afternoon after nap time we took the kids to Turpentine Creek, the Tiger rescue. I think everyone had a good time, we got there right before feeding and got to hear a few roars (mostly from Gabi and Karsten) Jude slept the entire time so he must have had a blast!

Monday morning was sad as everyone packed up to leave... it was crazy to have such a short visit after all the long visit this summer, but I am thankful for all the time I had...

Here are the pics from our FUN weekend!

Much love!

Back in the Swing of Things

I have been back to work for about a week now... last week was a hard but easy week. I balled my eyes out Tuesday morning (my first morning back) - but all the other days were a bit easier, especially since Jude came to visit me at work EVERY day!

This week is a shorter week and today is the first full day I have gone without seeing my boy - it is 4pm now and I am going to TRY to make it another hour, but I am missing my kiddo like CRAZY!!

I am going to try to be better about updating now that I am back to work - I mean, who does work at work anyways (he hee!)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Portrait People

OK - So they seem totally over priced but a new mom will fall for anything... We had Jude's infant pictures done yesterday and they turned out great!!

He was great the entire time until we got to the family shots and then he was not having it! We got some totally cute ones though...

The packages seemed like total rip off's but the framing seems very reasonable. We just decided to go with the CD of all the pics (which was $250) and that way I can send, order, change, enhance, or do anything else that I want to do.

On the link below all the pics are low res - I have the hi res version as well if anyone want to make copies.

Much Love

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6 1/2 weeks later

So I have been very good about updating my facebook every day - but my last blog post was the week Jude was born- Oy Vey!!

It has been an exciting 6 1/2 weeks and I love it more than I could have EVER imagined. I was so nervous to be a Mom and to have some little person relying on me, but I cannot believe that I was ever worried. It is the most fulfilling experience I have ever been through. He is the light of my life. Just looking at him makes my heart fill and puts a smile on my face.

Jude Kingston is now the best thing to happen in my life!! And it would not be possible without my loving husband (of almost 1 yr) Adam. He is such a great dad and boy does that kid love him. He gets way more smiles than I do!! Adam has been such a great help!!

Also- I am SO thankful to both sides of my family. The Hicks' have been there to help through EVERYTHING!! YaYa is a Godsend - she was here for the 1st 2 weeks - it was WONDERFUL!!!
Aunt Jess, Aunt B, and Grampa all came to visit too and all were SO MUCH HELP!!

Grama Judy loves this boy so much!! They have such a special bond it is so fun to watch!!

There have been so many firsts already and he is getting SO big - time is FLYING by!!

Jude is up to 13lbs now and we still have another 2 weeks until we go back to the Doctor. He is not sleeping through the night yet, but he is only waking up 1 time during the night. He is going through another growth spurt and he is eating like CRAZY!

I am going to add all the recent photo albums here so feel free to take a look at this CUTE little boy!

Much love to all

First Doctor Visit

Jude's First Bath

Trip to ATL

Misc Pics

6 1/2 week Pics

Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby Jude - 6/21/09

Hi All - In case you haven't heard Baby Jude came into this world on Sunday June 21st... Father's Day at 4:23pm weighing in at a nice 8lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches long.

It was a relatively easy birth - I broke down and got an epidural after being in early labor for over 24 hrs and 12 hours of somewhat painful contractions... so I did get to experience some of it - and that was enough for me!!

We went to the hospital at 3:45am and I was 2cm dilated...then it was a waiting game.

We had a little scare with the epidural, after it was administered (at 10am), my BP dropped to 70 which in turn caused baby J to drop and he fell off the HR monitor for a brief second... SCARIEST thing I have ever had to deal with, but the nurse was great, one shot of ephedrine and I was back...

They broke my water at noon, YaYa arrived at 12:30 and by 3pm it was time to push. I spent an hour pushing when I couldn't feel anything so they turned off the epidural at 4pm and Baby J popped out 4:23pm... Adam was so worried he would be born at 4:20... we missed slightly!

Everyone is happy and healthy and loving life... more updates later, but this is all the energy I have...

Here is the website to view the beginning moments of Jude Kingston McFarlane

Saturday, June 20, 2009

39 Week Photo

Good Morning -
I wanted to make sure I got my 39 week photo up before anything happens...

It could be anytime now!!! We are just going to continue walking and we will see what happens!! I am feeling great but I have a feeling Lil J may be on his way before we know it!!