Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day weekend - was labor-less

what an awesome weekend besides the fact that my Sis, Anndi, was sick... The Kinzli's came to visit and so did YaYa and Gramps.

I took all three kids to Target myself on Friday (I was brave) while the kids slept and Adam went to look at the house we put an offer on.

Saturday was a lazy day, but it was great to just hang with the family. We took all the kids Woo Pig shopping and boy did they have a ball. Little Gabi was into EVERYTHING!!! We were going to watch the Hogs play that night, but the PPV was not coming through (luckily we found out before we ordered it) So we just watched every other 30 football games that were on. Jude and the rest of the boys were in HEAVEN!

Sunday was more of the same, but Anndi was sick so we made breakfast and she went back to bed. That afternoon after nap time we took the kids to Turpentine Creek, the Tiger rescue. I think everyone had a good time, we got there right before feeding and got to hear a few roars (mostly from Gabi and Karsten) Jude slept the entire time so he must have had a blast!

Monday morning was sad as everyone packed up to leave... it was crazy to have such a short visit after all the long visit this summer, but I am thankful for all the time I had...

Here are the pics from our FUN weekend!

Much love!

Back in the Swing of Things

I have been back to work for about a week now... last week was a hard but easy week. I balled my eyes out Tuesday morning (my first morning back) - but all the other days were a bit easier, especially since Jude came to visit me at work EVERY day!

This week is a shorter week and today is the first full day I have gone without seeing my boy - it is 4pm now and I am going to TRY to make it another hour, but I am missing my kiddo like CRAZY!!

I am going to try to be better about updating now that I am back to work - I mean, who does work at work anyways (he hee!)