Monday, December 15, 2008

The weekend that wasnt a weekend...

So it is Monday - oh yeah! It seems worse than usual Mondays as the temp is 20 degrees and it feels like it is 6 degrees (at least that is what is telling me), I have my heater going full blast and I am still chilled to the bone!

Not only is it cold, but my weekend was action packed, a fun one, but this is the reason I feel like I didn't get a weekend!!!

Friday night we had Adam's work XMAS party and this year it was a BLAST - even though I could not partake in the spirits... We chatted with his co-workers/friends, ate some tasty treats, and then headed over to "casino room". They had set up Blackjack, craps, and roulette. We had a great dealer that helped turn our 10 tickets into over 200 tickets which we then added to the raffle drawing they did later in the night.

Before the drawing there were many more fun events to participate (I was just a spectator) - they did a solo karaoke contest (which Adam ROCKED at!!!) - He sang Garth Brooks - The Dance, for the 1st time in the evening got the dance floor covered with couples. He is awesome! Next came the limbo contest. Let's just say that there was plenty of booze flowing as some women (in short dresses) were flaunting a little TOO MUCH during this time. Then came the break dancing - what a laugh that one was! Then it was time for the raffle. Since we had SOOOO MANY tickets we split them up between prizes. Much to our surprise our name was picked for a 8.5" Portable DVD player, which was very nice, but we do not have much of a need for, but hey, who can knock a free gift. WELL - it got better, next our name was picked for a Blu Ray player and we had the choice between the two (guess what we picked). Further on into the drawing was the gift of Adam's dreams right now - a home theater system (he needs a new amp for his speakers, and this had the one he wanted). Adam had added the majority of our tickets to this bin and this time his boss was looking at the names. While he was picking he made the comment, "Adam, I see your name in here a million times and you ain't winning this one!" He was totally bummed!! Oh well, I g0t what I wanted!

Saturday, we went for ice cream cake at Steve and Judy's for Steve's 60th birthday celebration and then headed over to Wendy's with Steve, Tim, and Adam. Soon after that we had to get ready for my XMAS party... last year was so fun and Adam's had been SO fun the night before, I was worried that this party would fail to meet expectations. Well... let's just say, I am glad that I enjoy my co-workers, if it hadn't been for all the laughs I had with them and at them - it might have seemed like a bummer night.

Sunday, we were up bright and early to see Maddy's 1st ever gymnastics competition - she was a DOLL and so fun to watch! She is growing up so fast!! But she looked AWESOME out there!!

I rode back with Steve and Judy since Adam had to go buy XMAS presents for me (or so he said) and we stopped for a bite to eat before the BIG poker tournament at The Clarion Hotel. This was the last monthly tournament of the year and 107 people showed up to play - and play we did!!! The tournament started at 1pm and there were still 10 people left at 8:30pm. And GUESS WHAT?? I was 1 of the 10!! The tournament director walked over at about 8:30 and said - you know if you guys chop the pot you each win $540 bucks. The question was asked if anyone wanted to take this option and immediately 9 hands shot up in the air. The 10th was the chip leader and was not too excited about giving up - so we each offered him an extra $20 and he decided it was not worth turning down. Oh - and Adam had also registered me for the "last man standing", which is basically a pot of money that people put in on to bet that they would be the last person in the tournament. 36 people put in $10 each and when we there were 7 people left on the list we all decided to chop that and we got $50. So - for my 7.5 hrs of poker on Sunday, I walked away with $570 bucks - not too bad!

So- the weekend was tons of fun and we won lots of money and prizes, but I am ready for another weekend already!!

BTW - the baby is doing well... I have a Dr. appt on the 22nd and will have more updates then!

Love to all!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Week 35
Week 34

Week 33

Week 32

Week 31
Week 30

Week 29

Week 28

Week 27
Week 26
Week 25
Week 24
Week 23

Week 22

Week 21

Week 20
Week 19

Week 18
Week 17

Week 16
Week 15


Week 12
Week 11
Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

OK - So I have been taking weekly photos for the last 4 or 5 weeks of my growing belly and I have finally remembered to bring in the camera so that I could download them onto the computer and put them on my blog for everyone to see.

I am also going to attach the 1st photo of our Lil'Peanut (who is actually the size of a lime this week).

I have to say I am feeling MUCH better and have MUCH more energy.

Much love to all!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

1st Blog Post

Hello ALL -
This is my 1st post on my new blog...

I wanted to have a spot where all my friends and family (both near and far) could have a place to check in and see how the McFarlane's are doing...

Much Love to all

...More to come...